Ice Station Schatzgräber Launch Bay Craft
Based on this picture from an adventure I found online (RPGNow, The Modern Dispatch 129 – The Ice Palace) . I photoshopped this to fit my adventure a little.
The room ended up being the finale room for the playtest, where the players came up with an amazing solution that I had not thought of. It was so cool and epic, I plan to make it happen every time I run it.
The first image is the foam I used. This was form I found on the side of the road, EPS (not the best kind) that apparently fell off a truck on the highway. I cut it with a hot foam cutter and painted with a Modge Podge and white paint mix. This is a frozen base in the North Atlantic so the white EPS form worked well.
I made the little pods out of medicine bottles. I plan to build some debris, as well as a cat walk.